Dinesh Lamba is Indian film actor, he was born in Gujarat in the year 1976, mostly Dinesh has seen in supporting roles in the bollywood industry. He has appeared in more than 20 Bollywood movie and Tamil films and has done several television commercials.
He has started his bollywood career in the year 2002 with the movie Mohabbat Ho Gayi Hai Tumse and after that he has performed in many movies like Samay, Ab Tak Chhappan, Page3, Mumbai Express, Mangal Pandey,Vivah and many more. His forthcoming movie are Kabhi Up Kabhi Down and Kaanch- The Broken Glass.
Dinesh Lamba is a small village boy in Gujarat, Jamnagar, he wants to make his career in Indian Film industry, slowly and steadily he is getting success in the industry.Apart from that he has worked with many super star like Aamir Khan, Rahul Bose and many more.