Bollywood actor ChandraChur Singh was born on 11 October, 1986. He has made his debut with the movie Tere Mere Sapne in the year (1996), which was produced by Amitabh Bachchan production house ABCL, and won the Filmfare Best Actor Award for his amazing performance in the movie Macchis. He has done several movie like Kya Kehna, Josh, Junoon, Aamdami Atthani Kharcha Rupayiaa and lot more.
Chandrachur Singh is basically from Aligarh UP, he is from good family, his father was ex-MLA from Aligarh and his mother is a daughter of Maharaja of Orrissa. He has completed his schooling from one of the most pretigious school of India Doon School and St. Stephens College New Delhi.