The actor who made his mark in Hindi as well as Bengali cinema, decided to act in films when he was only 17 years old. The actor started his film career with Bengali films. His notable characters that he played in Bengali movies were in Alaknanda which was released in 1947 and was directed by renowned filmmaker Debaki Bose and in '42 which hit the theaters in 1951.
role to play in the film Anand Math (1952). Pradeep Kumar played the lead role with Bina Rai in Anarkali (1953) and with Vyjayanthimala in Nagin long back in the year 1954. Both films became quiet popular and had songs that added to the movies success. The actor had also worked in films like Ghoonghat , Taj Mahal and Aarti were successful.
He has also worked with Meena Kumari in seven films titled Adil-E-Jahangir, Bandhan, Chitralekha, Bahu Begum, Bheegi Raat, Aarti and Noor Jahan respectively and last but not the leasr he has also worked with Mala Sinha in almost eight movies… Pradeep Kumar won the Kalakar Award-Lifetime Achievement Award in the year 1999 Pradeep Kumar died in Calcutta on 27 October 2001, at the age of 76.
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