Pavan Malhotra is both an Indian televsion Bollywood actor. He's best remembered for his role as Tiger Memon in Black Friday. Pavan has also played lead roles in the National Award winning movies Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro and Bagh Bahadur.
Student in Arts in Delhi University, he was a regular in the Delhi Theatre circuit but later moved to Mumbai to work as a television assistant for the popular show Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi in the year 1984. Pavan was noticed for his acting abilities and given a role in Akhtar Mirza's tv soap on Doordarshan, Nukkad in the year 1986. Pavan had already entered movies in the year 1984 and appeared in Ab Ayega Mazaa (1984).
Some of his movies include :
* Ab Ayega Mazaa
* Khamosh
* Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro
* Sau Crore
* City of Joy
* Tarpan
* Pardes
* Earth
* Jab We Met
* Delhi 6
* Road to Sangam
* Don 2