Bollywood actor Kumar Gaurav was born on 11 July 1960, he is an Indian actor and son pf famous Bollywood actor Late Rajendra Kumar. He made his debut film Love Story in the year 1981, which was produced by his father and directed by Rahul Rawail. after that he has done many Bollywood movies Teri Kasam, Jana and many more.
Personal Life Kumar Gaurav studied in Bishop Cotton School, Shimla. His father Rajendra Kumar was a famous actor of 1960’s and 70’s. He married to Namrata Dutt daughter of actor Sunil Dutt and Nargis. They have two daughters, Saachi and Siya Kumar.
* Love Story(1981)
* Teri Kasam (1982)
* Star (1982)
* Lovers (1983)
* Romance (1983)
* Hum Hain Lajawab (1984)
* All Rounder (1984)
* Divorce (1984)
* Ek Se Bhale Do (1985)
* Janam (1986)
* Begaana (1986)
* Naam (1986)
* Dil Tujh Ko Diya (1987)
* Goonj (1989)
* Jurrat (1989)
* Aaj (1990)
* Hai Meri Jaan (1991)
* Pratigyabadh (1991)
* Indrajeet (1991)
* Siyasat (1992)
* Phool (1993)
* Gang (2000)
* Kaante (2002)
* Guiana 1838(2004)
* My Daddy Strongest (2009)
* Bihaad(2009)