Bollywood actor Vijay Raaz has been a part of Bollywood industry from 1999, he has taken role as a low profile and his best acting ever done in Bollywood career was Dubeyji in the movie Monsoon Wedding. Vijay Raaz has done number of movie, Bradu in Mahesh Mathai’s Bhopal Express which is based on Bhopal tragedy in the year 1999. After that he has done Ram Gopal Verma’s Jungle, Aks.
Along with this he has done number of movies like Chura Liya Hai Tumne (2003), Bhoot (2003) and Yuva (2004), Raaz played the lead in Rajat Kapoor’s Raghu Romeo (2004). He acted in the movie Morning Raga as Mr. Shastri.
* Yeh Mera India (2009)
* Barah Aana (2009)
* Delhi 6(2009)
* The Flag (2008) (Under Production)
* Memsahab - Lost In A Mirage (2008) (Under Production)
* Ek Din Anjaane Mein(2008) (Stuck/On Hold)
* Manoranjan (2008) (Post-Production)
* Naam (2008)
* Welcome(2007)
* Anwar(2007)
* Dhamaal(2007)
* Ek Se Bure Do(2006)
* Bombay To Goa (2006)
* Fool and Final(2006)
* Deewane Huye Paagal(25 November 2005)
* Shabnam Mausi(20 May 2005)
* Mumbai Xpress(15 April 2005)
* Morning Raga (29 October 2004)
* Prarambh - The Beginning (13 August 2004)
* Raghu Romeo(18 June 2004)
* Aan - Men At Work(4 June 2004)
* Yuva (21 May 2004)
* Run(14 May 2004)
* Love In Nepal (5 March 2004)
* Mudda - The Issue(12 December 2003)
* Khel(3 October 2003)
* Bhoot(30 May 2003)
* Pran Jaye Par Shaan Na Jaye (2 May 2003)
* Chura Liyaa Hai Tumne (21 March 2003)
* Mumbai Matinee (2003)
* Road (27 September 2002)
* Shakti - The Power (20 September 2002)
* Lal Salaam (3 May 2002)
* Company (12 April 2002)
* Monsoon Wedding (30 November 2001)
* Aks (13 July 2001)
* Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar (29 September 2000)
* Jungle(14 July 2000)
* Bhopal Express(2 December 1999)