Bollywood actor Rajeev Khandelwal is born on 16 October in Jaipur, he has stated his acting career with the television serial Kahin To Hoga, with the Ekta Kapoor production. He is from army family background and did his studies from Ahmadabad, Gujarat. After that, he has done his graduation from St. Xavier’s College, Ahmadabad.
He had made few documentaries movie on social issues like women’s labor, life of aged etc. he has done modeling for several brands like LML bike, Green Label Whisky, Kodak Express and Videocon refrigerator. His debut movie was Aamir in the year 2008 and for which he was nominated Filmfare Best male actor.
Aamir – 2008
Peter Gaya Kaam Se-2010
Chenab Gandhi-2010
Main Joker-2010
Just Love-2010
Will you marry me-2010
Return Gift-2010