Days before bollywood star Hrithik Roshan’s much awaited flick Kites hit the silver screens, it was declared a big flop on social networking sites. The movie bombed at the box office and Hrithik Roshan even tweeted about “sabotage” and also hinted that some people were running down his flick.
But trade analyst Amod Mehra is known in the Bollywood for sending out SMSes on the day of every film release, said that he is often accused of sabotaging a film.
He also asserted that his sms reviews upset producers, but the fact is that an SMS cannot really make a film a hit or flop. But producer-director Karan Johar said that nobody can bring down a good film. And also that no one can harm a good movie…
Hrithik Roshan will be next seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali‘s directed Guzzarish opposite Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.